The City of Sorocaba, through the Secretariats of Economic Development, Labor and Tourism (Sedettur) and Communication (Secom), attended the launch of the international guide Sorocaba City’s Book 2022-23 edition, held on the evening of this Wednesday (8), at the Technological Park (PTS).
The launch event for the publication, which is trilingual (Portuguese, English and Mandarin) and is distributed free of charge in Brazil and abroad, was attended by the mayor of Sorocaba, Rodrigo Manga; the secretary of Sedettur, Robson Coivo; the secretary of Secom, Fernanda Burattini; the secretary of Urban Security (Sesu), Col. Vitor Gusmão; the general ombudsman of the municipality, Evandro Bueno; and councilman Fábio Simoa, representing the City Council. Alongside the mayor, the ceremony’s top table was composed of the CEO of Santander SX Negócios, Marcos José Maia da Silva; the president of Unimed Sorocaba, Dr. Gustavo Ribeiro Neves; the director of Logistics at Huawei, Emerson de Oliveira; the industrial manager of General Motors, Fernando Casagrande; and the director of the City’s Book project, Victor Falcão.
The event began with the presentation of an institutional video about the city, which showed all of Sorocaba's development potential and its attractiveness for the establishment of new companies in the industrial, commercial and service sectors, which are already quite thriving in the city. “From January to April, Sorocaba managed to achieve positive job creation balances, time and time again. There were close to 4,000 new jobs, in addition to achieving record growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), higher than that recorded in the other 14 Administrative Regions of the State of São Paulo. Last year, according to Ciesp (Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo), Sorocaba's industry was the one that generated the most jobs in the entire state, even in the face of the many challenges faced by the pandemic. This is all thanks to the courage of the companies represented here today, and many others present in our city, who were not afraid to face the challenge, invested and generated jobs”, stated Mayor Rodrigo Manga. “I can only thank all the efforts of these businesspeople, the team of managers and public servants, the City Council for their support and the initiative of publishing this guide, which helps to give visibility to all these important achievements,” he added.
The Sorocaba City’s Book 2022-23 edition will be distributed to a wide audience, including government agencies at the municipal, state and federal levels, chambers of commerce, embassies in Brasília, consulates in São Paulo, professional associations, the Federation of Industries and similar institutions, as well as a specific mailing list for businesspeople. It should also promote the name of Sorocaba to Mercosur countries, helping to promote the city’s strength on the national and international scene.
The Secretary of Economic Development, Labor and Tourism, Robson Coivo, also commented on the growth of Sorocaba and its projection. “All of this development of our city, mentioned here and present in the content of this guide, reflects the commitment of career and commissioned employees, whose mission is to serve and welcome these new companies that are coming to the city. I want to reaffirm this commitment of the current public administration to support the growth of Sorocaba”, he emphasized.
“We see that a large part of Sorocaba’s GDP is represented here in the project and in this event. We are carrying out this work in the city for the second time, and we are always surprised by the strength of the city, which is a powerhouse not only in the state of São Paulo, but also in Brazil. Gathered here today, we see companies from various global origins. This is a project designed to promote and publicize Sorocaba throughout the country and abroad, which is why the content was also translated into English and Mandarin. I hope that it will be a tool capable of attracting the attention of many businesspeople and enterprises to Sorocaba, a city prepared to receive new investments and, thus, generate new opportunities and quality of life for the population”, concluded the director of the City’s Book project, Victor Falcão.
By: Sorocaba City Hall