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Sabina Andreense receives the Launch of City's Book Santo André 2021-2022

The City's Book Santo André edition was launched this Thursday afternoon (17/12), at Sabina, Parque do Conhecimento School. The event marked the publication's launch, which brought together dozens of companies in the city in a material developed to present the municipality and attract investments. The action counted on a partnership between Santo André, the local private initiative, and the Maná Group City's Book.

"This is another way to continue making contacts and creating links that can result in investments in the city. We were also able to show how much we are fighting to win the war against Covid-19. We are grateful to the collaborators who did this work one more time to reach all corners of the world ", commented Mayor Paulo Serra.

"This partnership shows the importance of the connection between public and private, as together they deliver much more and can obtain better results." Said the Secretary for Development and Employment Generation, Evandro Banzato.

Santo André is on the right path, articulating government, academia and the private sector in the construction of an innovation ecosystem based on international parameters of the highest level ", Beatriz Barbosa, Manager of Government Relations and Marketing, City's Book.

The four-language edition contains texts in Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Mandarin, bringing information about the city and companies that stand out in different activity fields.

The publication will be distributed in the municipality and region, Mercosur countries, embassies, consulates, Federal and State Governments, among other prominent places.

The following companies in Santo André sponsored the project:


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