The City's Book team held a meeting with the City's Book Cabreúva team, in the interior of São Paulo, on June 10, 2021, to align details regarding the future edition of the City's Book Cabreúva - SP 2021-22.
The meeting was held with the Director of Economic Development - Agribusiness, Industry and Commerce Department, Mirna Cassiano Cruz, the Vice Mayor Noemi Medeiros Bernardes, and the chief of staff César Bandeira.
The project will be developed over the coming months to be launched in December 2021 through a launch event attended by the Mayor, Antônio Carlos Mangini, city authorities, the sponsoring companies, and participants in the initiative.
"Promoting our city internationally is a strategic action for us to receive more investments. The Book of Cabreúva will be vital in this context of promotion and dissemination of our city", commented the Director of Economic Development, Mirna Cruz.
The publication will be published in Portuguese and English. It will be distributed in Foreign Trade Chambers, in Brasília, embassies headquarters, and other economic development agencies. The project will summarize the main potential of Cabreúva, addressing the city's tourism and economic potential.
The initiative's main objective is to be a tool that supports the policy of attracting investments and new businesses and publicizing companies that are already part of this scenario and contributing to the economic development of Cabreúva.