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Jaguariúna SP will be featured in the City’sBook edition

Updated: Jan 13

On August 4th, the Mayor of Jaguariúna, Gustavo Reis, received the City's Book project team, on which occasion the details were agreed upon for the viability of the edition that will promote Jaguariúna nationally and internationally, aiming to attract investments to the city.

Victor Falcão from City's Book, Mayor of Jaguariúna, Gustavo Reis and the Secretary of Economic and Social Development, Mr. Josino J. Silva

The publication, to be launched in the coming months, will present all of Jaguariúna's unique features in a material that will be like a portfolio on the economy and the city's main attractions to receive new investments.

Present at the event were the Secretary of Economic Development, Mr. Josino J. Silva, and the director of City’s Book, Mr. Victor Falcão.

The Jaguariúna Book will be published in the following languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and parts of the publication will be in Mandarin due to the international circulation of the material. More details about the launch of the project will be announced soon.


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